Do you have the time and passion to help our cause?
Can you help us supporting people with poor mental health, lonely, bereaved by suicide;
We really need competent and confident people who could lead our support groups……….
If we had volunteer support we could facilitate more groups.
We want to be able to set up Women’s only group, Men’s only group, 18 – 35 group, Parents / carers group, these will all be small groups very much focused on supporting each other in a small safe space.
Can you help us run activities, such as, walks, mindfulness sessions, memorial events, etc.
Could you help us by putting up posters in various suitable locations, such as; shops, pubs, betting offices, community centres, GP Surgeries, hospitals, etc.
Can you help us promote the charity at events, helping to organise and stand at stalls?
Can you help us raise funds?
Can you help promote us on ALL types of social media?