Page: Suffering from mental ill health?

Providing Peer Support for those with poor Mental Health and those Bereaved by Suicide

Behind the Smile
Mental Health Peer
Support Group
Chill 'n' Chat

Come and Join our
Peer Support Group

Chatting, Support, Art & Craft activities
Tea & Coffee

Worcester Group;  meet every Wednesday from 2pm to 4:30pm

at Friends Meeting House

1 Friends Mews Sansome Place, Worcester WR1 1UG 

Therapeutic activities will be provided creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere whilst learning life skills and benefiting from wellbeing and physical activities. We would like to offer various types of workshops and counselling possibly in groups.

We also provide a befriending service by providing support and companionship to emotionally distressed people. This may be in the form of regular phone calls or text messages, a meet up for coffee and chats or someone to be with them through the first few support groups or activities.

We aim to preserve and protect good mental health in particular but not exclusively by:

> Raising awareness about suicide and the effects of suicide

> Working with local organisations

> Supporting all who are fighting to overcome poor mental health

> Urging all who are suffering in silence to speak up and ask for help

> Educating others of suicide risk factors and enabling them to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour

> Using our personal experience of suicide loss to inform and inspire others

> Providing advice and support to those bereaved by suicide and signpost where appropriate

> Supporting those who identify as LGBTQ+

Our Duty to Refer On

Because of the nature of the charity, there may be times when we support people at crisis point. At those times there will be a duty to refer them to appropriate services for specialist intervention that extends beyond the scope of the service we offer.

We will strive to gather consent from the individual but when someone is at risk to themselves or others, we retain the power to override consent as set out in law.

Close shot of persons hands with fingertips together anxiously.
Close shot of a circle of simple wooden people.


Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities should be a governance priority therefore all volunteers will be DBS checked. The charity’s nominated safeguarding Lead is Mary Nettle.