Page: Need help?

Providing Peer Support for those with poor Mental Health and those Bereaved by Suicide

Sad woman holding post-it in front of her mouth with a smile drawn on.

Are you suffering from mental ill health?

As we emerge from lockdown many people are faced with challenges and uncertainty.  Scientific debate is ongoing and may cause worry and concern for those with mental health problems. Having to face the unknown about job and housing security as well as relationships and health can cause further anxiety and depression.

The need for support is now more vital than ever.

If you are experiencing anxiety, stress or low mood, family or relationship issues, feeling alone or in need, we offer mental health support. 

Have you been bereaved by suicide?

If you are experiencing bereavement by suicide we want to help you manage and pick up the pieces of your post-bereavement life.

Whether this occurred a few days, weeks or years  ago – we will support you, whoever you have lost.

If you believe someone you care about has ended their life, even if this has not been officially recognised or there has not been an inquest, we will support you.

Support is also given to those who feel bereaved, for example if you witnessed a death.

Woman putting flowers on a grave.