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Providing Peer Support for those with poor Mental Health and those Bereaved by Suicide

"Bringing people together to have their unspoken words......... and feelings heard.............."

“Sometimes what we need is not a solution or well-meaning advice, ………but simply to have someone listen to us …………..while we tell our story;

We listen to understand not to reply”

Outstretched hands releasing many butterflies into the sky.

Our Aim

Behind the Smile is a charity founded by the parents of Zac who ended his life after many years of mental health problems.

We believe that everyone has the right to a good standard of mental health and, where they do not, they should have access to timely and appropriate support services.

Our aim is;

To prevent suicide, by facilitating peer
support, one to one’s and wellbeing
walks, for those with poor mental health,
and those bereaved by suicide, to offer
suicide prevention, intervention and

What does behind the smile do?

Peer Support Groups

Mental Health Peer Support Groups

Men only Peer Support Group

Women only Peer Support Group



Suicide Bereavement Peer Support Group

At Quakers, Friends Meeting House, Sansome Place, Worcester WR1 1UG

If we can get more volunteers we will facilitate more support groups.


Walk for Wellbeing

From the Hive, Worcester WR1 3PD

       Join us for a fresh winter Walk for your Wellbeing.

Every Wednesday;
Morning walk starts at 10am

Are you suffering from mental ill health?

If you are experiencing anxiety, stress or low mood, family or relationship issues, feeling alone or in need, we offer mental health peer support. 

Woman standing in a crowd with hands on her face in a panic.

Have you been bereaved by suicide?

If suicide happens to your family or friends we want to be there to offer you support as you go through this dreadful process.

Feeling the loss from a suicide does not have to be from a recent loss, you may feel the loss years later.

Do you want to attend a support group or a walk n talk group? 
Please email  if this could be for you.

Close up shot of two peoples arms holding each others wrists.

In England & Wales in 2022, there were 

deaths by suicide (a rate of 10.7 deaths per 100,000 people), consistent with 2021 figures, with:
deaths per 100,000 females consistent with rates between 2018 and 2021
deaths per 100,000 is males
per 100,000 the age-specific rate, among males, was highest in those aged 90 years or over
deaths per 100,000 males aged 45 to 49 years - the second highest age-specific suicide rate for males
deaths per 100,000 females aged 50 to 54 - the highest age-specific suicide rate for females

Overall, men accounted for

1 /4
of UK deaths by suicide in 2022
1 %
of people bereaved by suicide said they received no support after their loss. Only 1% said they preferred to cope without support.

Of those who received support after being bereaved by suicide,

1 %
said this had come from family and friends

Suicides by Region in England & Wales